As I have had some mishaps over the last few months. 2 minor fires as I was not paying attencion.
One resulting in damage to my perspex window. that and a water issue when my outlet pipe came out of the water bucket.
I have decided to add the following.
- Water Flow switch which will cut if there is no water running through it.
- LED’s to show laser is active and flow is active.
- Temperature gauge to show the temperature of the water in the bucket.
- Emergency stop switch.
- SD Card slot (This May Change if it doesn’t work I will replace it with inlet water temp outlet water temp gauges)
I have done my first draft run of the panel and have also marked out where i am going to place the panel.
Next job is to cut out the metal so I can put the panel in and drill holes for fixing panel in place.
I have wired up the temp gauge to the 5v output of the laser supply as I no longer use it due to have C3D mini installed. That way when the laser is switched on the temp gauge goes on. I will get into the wiring of the emergency stop switch and led later on as I do it.
As I am off to Wales for a few days I will resume the project on my return next week.
Looking to buy a bigger laser in the new year for more fun projects hopefully will be then able to do more stuff on the youtube channel.
will be looking to open an online shop for commissions and goods as on my downtime have been designing some cool stuff that I will be sharing soon.