Well I have finally filled my work shop to brim any more equipment I will need a bigger work shop that’s not going to happen unless I move. I still got to figure out were some bits will be home.
Well after siting in Lichfield DHL hub of all places for a few days with out warning and by luck I checked the DHL Germany Tracking ID I got from a great seller from china with a German warehouse.
I got out for delivery lucky I was in work to receive it. as if it had been a day later would have been my day off.

With the help of the pallet ways driver we man handled the 100KG create in to the office.
Armed with a screwdriver I thought I would open it but no it was 9mm screw bolts lucky I had a manual nut runner. 22 nuts/screws later and the lid came off to reveal the top of the K50.

Yes, I know its not the standard blue and white version but the blue and whites are now shipping with a different DSP that is not Ruida 644 so don’t work with Lightburn Software. That was not an option I wanted. Will end up covering the green at some point but for the moment it’s the big green machine.
Now un boxed and with the internal boxes containing water pump, air pump, vent hose, instructions, cd rom, and sealants, tubes, tools, etc its still a whacking 65KG and an awards size to lift by myself lucky me and a friend share a day off so I un crated the machine. Yesterday after hours me and mate lifted it home it just fitted in my SUV with a little persuasion, we then drove it home and loaded it to the man cave. (god I hate walking backwards especially when there are a few steps and a garden path to navigate.

During the day I had been off to B&Q to get 18mm MDF sheet cut down to make a work top thankfully it all fitted the lid does not raise all the way but may revisit that later there is just enough room for me to squeeze in to the work shop.

I then took a break to make some food and kiss my little one good night as he was off to bed.
Its very tight in the cave ran the water tubes and air assist need to bolt it down tonight. Took the distilled water from old k40 bucket drilled some holes for new container need to add one more for power but last night was all about getting the machine up and running to make sure it all worked.
Unbound the laser head before initial power up plug everything in. power on laser homed and then repositioned itself, tested the electronic bed works goes up and down removed the blue plastic. Changed the ip address to as set as my network doesn’t need the 1 so set to 0 connected to light burn no issues.
Ready to test alignment hit switched on the laser fan kicked in and hit the pulse button water error looked at my return water return line water was trickling through. Odd I thought check the laser tube for kinks in pipe work no all fine. Topped the water up Doubting myself. Same thing error eek at this point my tech head was throbbing. I then sat back and thought about things I then revered in with outlet and it work dam you who ever labelled it.
So, it’s now 11:30pm mirrors are aligned all the way from the factory in china impressed. So call it a night will go do some further testing tonight but all looking good.