right got some fun stuff coming up will be posting over the next few days just been working on my raspberry control panel for the mk3s just been drawing up plans for the GPIO pins as will be doing an integrated system this is all dependent on it all working but looking good from my tests.
The layout of GPIO pins on my raspberry pi 3 subject to change.
I have fitted a new tip to my soldering rig hoping its a better for doing reverse soldering on pins as from above you can see quite a few cables to deal that will be hidden by cable management.
have also been 3D printing a few test spoolers that are wall-mounted got one more to print before i post my findings. but will be doing the pi integration project first as this has now dragged on over a few blog posts. lots of highs and lows.
i also need some heat in the man cave as winter is definitely among us as temperatures are dropping into single digits.
I also managed to pick up a 300bar compressor for filling HPA bottles and a scuba tank will cover that shortly as going to be trying some modifications on that if my initial findings are ok.
Ok sorry for delays been a labour of love as have had issues the setup and getting wiring working right. but here we go. for time being i am going to simplify this post as serial links don’t seem to be working right will have a revisit to see what’s going on. might rework the wiring loom i made to see if that solves the issue. so running on USB
and even then last night had issues with that was trapped wiring, in the end, i have also ordered a 90degree USB cable to give some wire relief.
New USB cable seems to have fixed all issues with the printer sending kill cmd.
After having issues with my 3.5 TFT screen I now think this might be down to OctoPI-TFT not being a fully working build as i have rebuilt on my 3.5″ screen and 7″ to limited success. so i have decided that i have a 7″ touch screen and enclosure kicking around the man cave so i am going to install TouchUI on another pi yes got a few of kicking around will be directly linking via USB as serial links playing up. will also be installing power management with the plugin to turn my Original Prusa i3 Mk3s on and off independently to screen. also will be adding a led lighting ring around my web camera. this will be controlled by my octopi server using GPIO pins.
So what are you going to need to attempt this
7″ touch screen and enclosure.Raspberry PI 3
1 x Raspberry pi 3
1 x Micro SD card 64gb overkill but smallest SD cardi have bar one in current set up.
1 x Offical Raspberry Pi 7″ touch screen and enclosure.
5v Arduino compatible relays. in my case 2 channel relay.
some duplex sockets and pins numbers to be confirmed.
crimping tool.
wire strippers.
wire, in this case, using a 6 core cable and a few single wires for lighting and any other additions as i build this project.
Let’s get started First of all head over to Octoprints web site https://octoprint.org/ and download the 600+meg image start off by downloading the latest image.
you will need to unzip the image an image writer to burn it. I use etcher as it’s free and quick, select your image then select sd card as the target then hit start. a window pops up say yes to off it goes. will take around 15 mins to write and verify the sd card.
Select image from where you unzipped it.Press start to write to the sd card say yes to the windows scurity alert.off it goes time its verified will be 10 to 15 mins.
Now install the memory card into the pi and insert into the enclosure.
Then the power unit will reboot 2 times whilst it configures bits will be left with a screen showing the system ip and telling you to set up pi via the web browser.
Now time to install some bits in the background so we can tun this into touch screen printer controller.
You are now going to have to get an ssh client. i use Bitvise SSH Client as again freeware and very useful tool. so in my case i login to
you will then be asked for the default password of the pi which is raspberry. first things i tend to do is rename the host and change the default password. one to secure the pi and 2 to make it identifiable on the network.
type the following sudo raspi-config hit return this will then bring up the config menu. will get some legal bits about privacy and then be asked for the password again raspberry.
option 1 to change password for rootenter new password 2 times
You will then be greeted with the following screen
password changed you’re now secure.select option 2 the option N1 Hostname then enter to rename.then hit ok
Now go to finish you will be asked to reboot say yes. the system will reboot and you will need to open a new terminal window.
Bitwise will let you know when its back lives in my case can see it across the room. you will be asked for the new password when logged in click the new terminal window button will show your new hostname.
Now time to configure OctoPI with Touch UI Plug-in.
go to localhost.octopi or IP address that is displayed on your screen on boot up
First, of time, you go to the octopi web interface will be greeted with a wizard screen.
Start Screen
Access control you will need to make up a username and password. then scroll down to enable login.
Online Connectivity Check I enable this
Plugin Blacklist I enable this.
CuraEngine (<= 15.04. I skip this as all my files are pre-sliced.
Default Printer Profile. Name your printer and profile also set up bed sizes in the tabs in the case of the Prusa mk3s it 250 x 210 x 210.
Now to do a quick plugin test run with my Prusa machine.
insert the basic screen.
Right now we have proof of concept. time to get on with making some connectors up and wiring to link to my Prusa using Rambo serial port. So as my other posts have found out the Prusa serial port does not have the amount of power to power a pi3 without the system having external power.
have clipped the red and black wire off as not using power from Prusa printer. going to make a 2×2 pin duplex female connector with blue and white wire and one with yellow and green. these will insert on to the following GPIO pins. 08 = white 10 = blue 15= green 16 = yellow this will give serial connection via Rambo board.
have included this GPIO pinout guide off element14.com website to aid with mods.
time to test again to make sure all connect correctly. success at last!!
Now to add power management and lights for the camera.
Now there are lots of ways this can be done using wifi plugs or relays in our case as want to make this a fun project going to use some 5v relays i was going to use some individual relays to make this project work but i have decided that i will use a 2 channel relay PCB that i will house in a housing as don’t want any wires sticking out.
Let’s make a start.
Taking note of the GPIO pins your going to use with this project in our case we will be using 2 x 5v relays so will use GPIO pins 04 for 5v+and 06 for ground.
IN pins will be any GPIO pins free so in this case, going to use pin 38 and 40 so GPIO20,21 as the triggers. for each relay, as will only use 2 to start might downgrade the relay at a later date.
Found this predesigned solution for 2 relays so will give it a go on Thingiverse
i then jumped on PrusaSlicer and added the stl files. sliced them ready for printing.
not quite a perfect print but will do for the relay box.
Now have printed the relay holders will start on wiring side first one will be using 12vdc for light ring low voltage the other relay will be running mains voltage so do not attempt his if you are not comfortable with mains voltage. this is for UK spec wiring colour codes will change and if you’re in the states will not have an earth wire.
Let’s start with the dangerous element well not really that dangerous just be careful when messing with mains cables.
I tested it on my 4 channel relay to test the theory with GPIO pins switching without any power circuits connected to make sure it all works before adding mains voltage. my 2-way dual relay should be with me tomorrow. should take out shares in amazon as my prime account is much used.
!!!DO NOT HAVE LIVE WIRES EXPOSED WHEN PLUGGING INTO THE MAINS!!! makes sure all wiring is not exposed for anyone to touch i my set up i have mounted housing to back wall of the man cave keeps everything out general reach I also used terminated connectors with plastic sheathing to keep everything safe as a mains voltage shock is not fun. I have worked with high voltage for a few years and have been shocked several times the joys of playing with arcade machines and other industrial equipment. this is a disclaimer only attempt this if you feel confident with 240v wiring.
Relay 1
As i have a million and one kettle leads kicking around take a spare one and strip the outer sheath from it without cutting inner cores. i have a special wire cutter to do this and some wire cutters.
outer insulation stripped off i used coaxial cutterwires cut then stripped .added crimp pins i am redoing these in smaller pin size. as the yellows are too big squished them as a quick fix as testing.240v end wired and strapped down.
You will be left with the 3 inner cores. cut the brown wire and strip around 5mm off each end. these wires i use pin crimpers as seals wire and makes it neat. the two wires will go into the high-end voltage of the relay so one will be on com or common pin and the other one will be put in normally closed or NC pin.
Relay 2
This will go via a mains powered 12v PSU i have wired this into the mains and taken some red and black-led wiring cable i have cut the red live wire and stripped 5mm each side and placed pin connectors on each end. placed into Com and NC connection terminals the same as above.
Low Voltage side of the relay to Raspberry Pi 3
on the other end of the relay, on the low voltage end, you have 3 pins IN, GND and VCC IN= GPIO pin GND = Ground and VCC= voltage input. GND and VCC will share voltage for the 4 relays. so will wire IN1 as the mains power switch and IN2 will control 12v lighting ring. leaving IN3,4 free for additional bits for the enclosure. so will make up 2 female pin duplex connectors one with 5v and ground. and the other 2 pin connectors will control lighting and power relay inputs.
low voltage wire will change with 4 pins instead of the current 6 pin
now the wiring is complete time to install some plugins.
ready for 12v PSU and mains voltage just going to test relays before install 2 relay PCB
all boxed up new 2 channel 5v relay ready to wall mount just going to make appropriate length cables.
tonight’s effort as most don’t realise this stuff takes time and has taken me a week to get all the bits together. tonight rewire operational and case installation. also testing plugins and doing an 8hr print. wish me luck.
Wiring swapped over to 2 channel relay and installed in housing.all wired up ready fir 7hr test.
then armed with a hot glue gun i have glued my led ring to my cheap C922 Logitech webcam. some crimps and cable ties all attached i found an old hard drive power supply 12v that has 5×5 2.1mm power plug. to the parts to grab a female of the plug that i have so i can unplug it easily. The light is on now to install some plugins to control it.
Right ready to test just testing light as till i have a case for the relay i don’t want to risk mains voltage
i am currently testing out different plugins but work well.
Lights off
Lights switched off in my dark cave.
Light on all controlled by a plugin.
print for enclosure is done just need to pull it off the bed and fit the 2 channel relay to the box.
going to run this through the enclosure plug-in so i will be able to power on and off the printer and USB camera light.
let’s get started
Touch UI plugin.
Go to the plugin management scroll down to get more and then search for touch UI after it’s installed you will be greeted with a request to reboot. do so
This screen will appear after reboot
when the server reboots you will be greeted with the new interface on the web log in don’t panic can switch this off look for the 3 bars on top of each other to the right of the screen. Click on it and sub-menu will be displayed click on TouchUI settings
click TouchUI Settings.Click Toggle TouchUI to disable it on the web page.
The screen should go back to normal now.
Next step is done via remote terminal screen to install the front end for the 7″ screen.
Login to pi via ssh and do the following. Type the following to get the installer script.
TouchUI should now display on your small screen were as a web login will be the same. you can customise it via the plugin under the web interface i made mine orange with black background.
Now to add functional add-ons to the system. will be installing a posting my findings in another post as this has been a week of tinkering but now happy with the output.
around 4 hrs till this finishes then will be adding add-ons.
nearly 4 hrs into wall mount spool holder. looks great.
Will be adding the following over the next few days and hard wiring the build.
Simple Emergency Stop
just what is says it i adds a E-stop to your menu bar as things do go wrong i usually sit watching the first layer or two print before going about my day and check in every so often.
Heater Timeout
this plugin saves your ass if you have forgotten to turn off printer hotend will allow# you to add a time out on hot end being idle.
The daddy of time lapse captures with this powerfull plugin can make prints appear from nowhere. took a bit of reading to get this working right but worth the hard graft to get it working. mind you there is a pre-compiled version for the mk3 so might just try that.
This is great custom themes discord being my favourite as i do not like white backgrounds.
PSU Control
this nifty little plugin will allow automatically shutdown of the printer after the print has finished also allows you to remotely turn on and off the printer.
this will allow for all sorts of inputs and outputs i will be using it to switch on and off camera LEDs and maybe more in the future as might add temperature sensors in the future.
this plugin pauses the print if there any errors from Prusa printer sensors a must for a Prusa user.
Filament Manager for OctoPrint yet to try this but seams promising for knowing how much is left on a spool will document this as i install. it.
This OctoPrint plugin helps to manage your filament spools.
Replacing filament volume with weight in sidebar
Software odometer to measure used filament
Warn if print exceeds remaining filament on spool
Assign temperature offset to spools
Automatically pause print if filament runs out
Import & export of spool inventory
this allows me to price up my prints even if they are for my us as good to see how much i am spending.
As the wife has brought me a new iwatch for birthday i will be using this addon to see how my prints are doing via the iwatch.
allows all captured time-lapse videos to be uploaded to my dropbox to stop any issues with my sd card filling up.