There are a few videos about this but i thought i would do my own guide as some of them are a little vague.
I brought the kit off cloudray through their AliExpress store. in the kit, you get everything you need to install the kit. there are no instructions included in the kit but on the cloudray website, there is a circuit diagram. As not everyone understands circit diagrams this guide it to walk you thought how to install the kit.
What’s in the kit?
Wiring the mains power relay:
going to start by mounting the Power relay. disconnect all power from the machine as this is the mains voltage. Now on my 50w whole panel is removable with 4 hex screws making this quite easy to do. the air pump is powered on by the bottom plug I will be replacing these in the future but for now, unwire the bottom plug negative and place it top left side of relay wire clamp. I then have taken some 13amp mains cable and cut a length of it will use only negtive wire out it. negative wire from oppersit of negtive to the plug socket as negtive as pictured below. I then drilled 2 holes to mount the relay through the bottom of the machine and bolted it to the machine. now on to the low voltage end of the relay through pin bottome pins with red tap you will need to place a diode between these 2pins a pictured below then place the 2 wires these will go back to the connector block in a bit. I have labeled the 2 wires so I can identify them later.
Wiring the switch:
Now to wire the switch you will need to wire 2 pins together for ground connector’s on one side of the switch then on the opposite side of the switch you need to solder 2 wires one for controller board status and one for wind connections. you then need to drill and mount the switch. see below.
2 positive pins Negative pins jumped
Wiring and setting up the pneumatic solenoid valve:
the metal block has A R and P initials stamped you will need to place the following connectors in the collaborating letters.
you will then need to remove the top screw from the solenoid and remove the lid with 2 plastic tabs remove and wire Positive and negative wirings a diode will need to be placed in-between with the line towards the positive terminal. then screw back together.
You will then need to split the air assist pipework to go through the solenoid. As I haven’t decided where I am going to place it yet I ordered some extra pipework as I think I will run it into the electronics box. but will decide on that later.
i have temporarily placed it in the void under the laser bed I will be mounting it externally once I add the compressor.
Wiring up 6 pin connector block:
this might differ if using different types of Ruida controllers. mine had some wires in 24v+ and ground wire might move them later to next port on the board might also trace them to see if where they go.
- pin 1 = ground swich ground
- pin 2 = out2 not used
- pin 3 = out1 not used
- pin 4 = status +switch & A1 from power relay.
- pin 5 = wind +switch & negtive solinod .
- pin 6 = 24v+ A2 relay & postive connection solinod.
pin 1 place the ground side of the switch then pin 4 then place one of the wires from the other side of the switch and connection A1 from the low voltage side of the power relay this is the connection further away from the diode line shown below.
pin 5 place the other wire from switch and negative wire from solenoid in this pin
pin 6 place positive side of relay and positive low voltage side of relay A2,
wiring done.
Time to test it works:
Power on all working. first going to test manual override turn switch off air pump comes on. Nothing dam it. checked the wiring still nothing. decided to short the switch out and override came to life, It’s a good job I am replacing it with nice 24v switch.
So over to light burn quickly drew 2 lines and put them on 2 layers did 1 with air assist enabled.
I then ran the program and works perfectly will do a video at a later date showing it all in action.
Next project:
Adding mA meter to the metalwork of the laser and adding some buttons and temperature gauge and some cable management. as looks like a big mess of wringing in my junction in my control box.