Busy time of year in the mancave

There has been a lot going on in the background have been doing lots of projects for friends and family too much to fully document. some images below.

Friends  40th birthday guest book

Pen box for my Cameo 3 cutter plotter as I didn’t like the plastic box they came in will be publishing the files to things soon. link here

Turned a friend’s wedding logo into a Christmas decoration

Nephew’s birthday party favours

Built my self a wire spool holder for the cave as was fed up of having to dig out boxes.

with my son’s first birthday and a lot of NCT friends birthdays, we have been making birthday books. with this, I installed a new bed in the k40 laser and had a little fire nothing too bad just need some more perspex as mine got a little melted.

so will be posting some live videos of cutting soon on my youtube channel.

been making dog tags up for a band who wanted something custom using laser bond 100 wicked stuff that will mark glass and ceramics as well as aluminium and stainless steel.

getting the CNC machine up and running has been a little bit of a challenge but we are getting there as I have some commisions I have been asked to do soon.

I have started to design a safety panel for the k40 that will stop the laser from firing if the pump stops will also display water temperature and have an sd slot for updating the firmware on board and adding g-code if I want to run offline. waiting for parts from China and Amazon this will be my next featured project.

I will be installing a camera in the laser to film it in action soon can then show project being made as I do them.

last of all started getting some ideas for gifts for Xmas together for friends and family.


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